The Benefits of Detoxing

If your body is showing signs of built-up toxins, it may be time for a good inner body cleansing.  There are many things that can happen to your body when it is filled with toxins including constipation, diarrhea, feeling sluggish, feeling stressful, continuous aches and pains, and feeling clumsy.

The toxins found in your body are stored in your fat cells.  By doing a whole body detox and cleansing, you get rid of unwanted toxins that can make your body not function properly.

There are many organs that help your body elimiate waste from your system.  These organs will play a major role in helping your body to detox.

1.  Your lymph glands are important for helping eliminate toxins in your body.  Your thymus, appendix, spleen, and tonsils are the major lymphatic glands that help your major organs to detox your body.

2.  Your liver gets rid of unwanted chemicals in the body.  Your liver sorts out the toxins to the organs for elimination.

3.  Your lungs will help keep your blood purified.  They help you to get oxygen directly into your bloodstream.  Your lungs are also responsible for removing waste and gases that are found in the cells of your body.  Doing deep breathing exercises where there is fresh air is great for keeping your lungs healthy and free of toxins.

4.  Your kidneys help with water management in your body.  They help to maintain good chemistry of the blood alkaline by eliminating dissolved acid.  You can keep your kidneys healthy by drinking enough water each day.  It is also helpful to drink fresh alkaline juices, which also assists in weight loss.

5.  Your colon is a solid waste management organ in your body.  Doctors have actually found people that have up to 80 pounds of mucus and rubber-like solid waste formed on the inside walls of the colon.  It can be very difficult to cleanse your colon, but it can certainly provide excellent health benefits.

If you decide to do a detox, make sure to do a little light exercise each day and drink plenty of water with lemon.  This will help you increase your blood circulation during your detoxification.



In minds crammed with thoughts, organs clogged with toxins,
and bodies stiffened with neglect, there is just no space
for anything else.

~ Alison Rose Levy, “An Ancient Cure for Modern Life,” Yoga
Journal, Jan/Feb 2002



16 Replies to “The Benefits of Detoxing”

  1. Hi this looks like a very well established website. In the past I have considered acupuncture but have never gotten around to seriously booking in appointment. In the past acupuncture was may be considered by most to be a bit of a trend. Although now it has established itself as a health giving therapy. Maybe I will try it in the future?

    1. Thank you Tom! Yes, I highly recommend you try acupuncture. It is great for chronic pain and illnesses. It’s also good for general health and well-being.

  2. So happy to visit your blog, Helen!

    When you mentioned this, “It is also helpful to drink fresh alkaline juices, which also assists in weight loss,” were you referring to lemon and water? Would that be considered an alkaline juice drink?

    1. Thank you visiting my blog Barbara! Yes, in fact, it’s healthy to drink fresh lemon squeezed into water first thing in the morning. You can also add a little honey for taste if you’d like. Honey also has lubricating properties so help to maintain healthy bowel movements.

  3. Hi Helen,

    A great article in that you have a wonderful lead in to be able to introduce a detox regimen or ‘more info’ course. It has just the right amount of info and still leave the reader wanting more and hoping that you’ll provide it.

    A beautiful website.


    Steven Lucas

    1. Thank you Steven! I’ll start to post articles on natural remedies to various common ailments. Come back and visit soon!

  4. Hi Helen
    Your article was very informative and detoxing is something I am very interested in.
    I shall keep returning to your site for more information.
    How about smooth skin?

    1. Hi Annette:

      Thank you for visiting my website. Detoxing is great for your health and it also benefits the skin. When the toxins are removed, the skin returns to its natural healthy glow and remains smooth. Come visit again soon!

  5. Great site you have here – it looks like you have it well established and have managed to keep up with the quick start challenges. I have enjoyed getting to see so many new blogs and make connections from our group.

    Keep up the great work – excellent info!

    1. Thank you Craig. I definitely want to be consistent in my efforts in posting useful blogs for readers to enjoy. Come visit again soon!

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